Travel industry is increasingly witnessing the launch of sites and applications, which are meant for helping travellers to make new friends who are either travelling on the same flight or going to the same holiday destination.
Over the last seven days or so, two new ventures have emerged. A new social media site,, emerged last week. This venture has been set up by Paul Stanyer, founder and former CEO of Internet transfer company Holiday Taxis. The new site has been created to allow those going on holiday to search for and interact with others going to the same place at the same time, before they travel.
Those that haven’t yet decided where to travel can still register on the site and are placed in the Departure Lounge with others in the same boat. Once they have booked it takes seconds to update their details. An online diary system allows members to see what is happening in their resort at the time they are staying as well as providing access to a range of benefits including discounted club tickets and the latest resort news.
The site currently features 40 resorts. The site will be tailored for user groups such as skiers, festival goers, and surfers etc. to enable easy access to like-minded travellers.
Stanyer said that, “This is not trying to copy Facebook, that’s impossible, but whereas Facebook is for those you already know, `Hang Out’ is for those you ought to know.”
In another development, a new Facebook application, Find a Flight Buddy, has been released enabling users to connect on flights.
The app is intended to help people to meet up with like-minded travellers on the way to an event, business conference or to find somebody to talk with during long waiting hours. After the addition of the application on Facebook, users are asked to enter their flight number and the time of departure; users then select their preferred type of travel buddy; on the next page one can choose from their matches and can then contact nearby travellers directly. A user’s flight buddy details will also allow people to find him or her through the app although one’s personal details will not be shared with others.